Mission Statement

Windigo First Nations Council takes its direction from the leadership of the Chiefs of the governing member communities. The Council has two main functions:

  1. To develop programs and services that respond to the needs of the band members within the seven communities of the Windigo area.

  2. To negotiate with other levels of government on various aspects of First Nation’s jurisdiction and control. Such representation is based on, but does not compromise, the treaty and inherent rights positions held by the elected leaders and elders of the member communities.


In order to act efficiently in these two different roles the Council has developed a strategy composed of:


Program Delivery

The Council operates programs that focus on day to day development issues such as housing and infrastructure development, business and employment development, education, health and social well-being.


Political Development


The Council contributes to the political development of member communities by assisting in the move toward self- government. As instructed by the Chiefs, the Council will:


  • Lobby and negotiate for community based initiatives.

  • Coordinate research and provide planning assistance.

  • Design, develop, coordinate and advise member First Nations on programs and service which focus on community needs.

  • Provide political representation as required and requested.

  • Provide an information and support network, and

  • Keep member First Nations informed of its activities.


Windigo First Nations Council exists to serve the member communities in terms of physical, economic, social, and political development. The Council takes its direction from the Chiefs and, ultimately, the Band members of the governing First Nations.


Statement of Principles of Windigo First Nations Council


The Windigo Chiefs have stated that the following principles will guide the policies and programs of the First Nations Council:


  1. Windigo First Nation Council respects of each individual to strive to meet his or her potential.

  2. The Councils leadership and staff shall conduct themselves in an appropriate and professional manner.

  3. Windigo Council will act in the best interests of its member First Nations.

  4. The solutions to the challenges facing First Nations lie within the First Nation themselves.

  5. Each First Nation is unique and distinct.

  6. Windigo First Nations have an inherent right to self-government.


The Chiefs and the Councils are the sole legitimate governing authorities within each First Nation.