Special Education Teacher in Slate Falls, ON

Special Education Teacher

Windigo Education is looking for a qualified candidate to teach Special Education at Bimaychikamah School in Slate Falls Nation, ON, for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

Applicants must have a Bachelor of Education degree, hold qualifications to teach special education, and be a member in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers or be eligible for membership.

We are a dynamic and innovative community, always looking for new opportunities for economic development and learning. We have a beautiful school and work hard to create a positive learning environment for our children.



The three main areas of responsibility are:

  • Program development and delivery
  • Team consultation, communication, and liaison
  • Assessment

The SERT in collaboration with the principal and In-School Support Team (all teachers, staff that work with the child on a regular basis which includes: classroom teacher, SERT, Native Language, Teacher Assistant, Social Counselor, and Principal), determine the time allocated to each of these responsibilities. The needs of the students will dictate this time allocation. Specific functions within these three areas of responsibility are listed below.



In consultation with classroom teachers, parents and students, the SERT develop, implement and evaluate the components of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) as follows:

  • Regular Classroom/Monitoring
  • Assist classroom teachers in providing accommodations as outlined in the IEP
  • Monitor student's progress
  • Develop an IEP for an individual student in accordance with Provincial IEP Standards and Individual Education Plan Standards incorporate First Nation content and adapt to meet community expectations
  • Classroom Resource and/or Withdrawal
  • Implement and monitor the IEP utilizing a team approach
  • Provide classroom support and facilitate the provision of accommodations as set out in the IEP
  • Provide direct instruction to meet the modified IEP expectations as set out in the student's IEP, either in the regular classroom setting, withdrawal setting, or through subject specific support; (language arts, mathematics and/or other subjects)
  • Provide exam/test/assignment assistance, when required
  • Develop, implement and evaluate articulation/speech programs
  • Provide assignment assistance when required and whenever possible in the classroom



  • Facilitate and assist with the organization of the In-School Support Team meeting or case conference
  • Participate in the In-School Support Team and the IPRC process as directed by the principal
  • Collaborate with the classroom teacher(s) to review the identified/non identified with IEPs student needs and co-ordinate the development of the IEP for each student
  • Collaborate with classroom teacher(s) regarding instructional and socialization strategies to assist students to meet student/grade level expectation
  • Collaborate with classroom teacher(s) regarding strategies/approaches and modifications to facilitate the use of appropriate accommodations to meet student needs
  • Collaborate with classroom teachers, EA/TE, parents and peers to provide/share program ideas and modifications, supplementary resource materials and behaviour strategies
  • Consult with parents, students, teachers and EA/TE regarding the individual needs of the students
  • Liaise and provide support to ensure smooth transitions for exceptional students from elementary to secondary school, schools and facilities outside of the local school board authority and to and from care and treatment facilities
  • Liaise with outside agencies, clinics, medical practitioners, etc. regarding student's identified needs
  • Share up-to-date professional information regarding special education with school staff
  • Facilitate effective communications with students, parents, teachers, administration, EA/TE and community-based agencies (utilize the local radio to explain inclusion expectations, parental scheduling; utilize an interpreter to ensure that letters are sent to parents and understood; provide transportation if available; provide door prizes and lunch to encourage parental involvement)
  • Collaborate with the classroom teacher/principal when necessary to timetable, direct and monitor, etc. the EA/TE



  • Administer formal and informal assessments and interpret results
  • Monitor progress of students through observation, informal and formal assessments and report cards
  • Communicate with classroom teachers, parents and students and/or the In-School Team
  • Ensure assessment accommodations and/or modifications are recorded in the IEP, particularly when these accommodations and/or modifications are also required for participation in Canadian Test of Basic Skills and/or Provincial Assessments (e.g. EQAO assessments) pending WEA policy on assessment tools
  • Note: Perform other duties as determined by the principal

Job Type : Full Time

Location: Bimaychikamah School, Slate Falls Nation

Salary : as per Salary Grid


To Apply:

Interested candidates must send their:

1. Cover Letter
2. Resume
3. (3) References (including most recent employer)
4. Vulnerable Sector Check and
5. Proof of OCT is required.

Please send application along with documents to:

Jody McNeilly
Email: jody.mcneilly@windigoed.com

Windigo Education Hiring Committee
Windigo First Nations Council
P.O. Box 299160 Alcona Drive
Sioux Lookout, ON. P8T 1A3
Fax: 807-737-3133
PH: (519) 466-3462

We thank you for your application and interest at this time, however, only those with complete documents will be considered.