Physical Education Teacher in Cat Lake First Nation, ON
Physical Education Teacher in Cat Lake First Nation, ON.
Job Details
Windigo Education is looking for a qualified candidate to teach Physical Education at Lawrence Wesley Education Centre in Cat Lake First Nation, ON.
Applicants must have a Bachelor of Education degree and be a member in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers or be eligible for membership.
Cat Lake is a proud Ojibway community located 79 kilometers due north of Sioux Lookout in Northwestern Ontario. The Cat Lake Reserve is situated on the north shores of the Cat Lake river system. The community is located on the southeast corner of the Reserve. You will have ample opportunity to explore the beautiful surrounding land. Since the opening of this new school, students have come back and shown a renewed interest for their education.
The Teacher is responsible for ensuring that each child has an opportunity to reach his/her maximum potential through the creation and implementation of suitable programs and teaching styles to meet individual student needs. The Teacher will treat all students in a fair and equitable manner.
Under the direction of the LEA, with the support of WEA, and the supervision of the Principal the Teacher will:
- Hold teaching the students as the first and most important responsibility
- Encourage students to reach their highest level of individual development by taking into account individual needs, interests and abilities
- Help each student develop a positive self-image, a sense of belonging, and a good attitude to her/his school experience
- Be as objective as possible when discussing controversial issues such as religion, politics, and race.
- Be sensitive toward and make a sincere attempt to promote and improve understanding of First Nation culture, values and language
Key Responsibilities
- Utilize suitable learning materials for students being: home schooled, out on the trap-lines, or absent from school for extended periods
- Maintain order and discipline in the classroom and on school premises according to school philosophy and policy
- Cooperate with the Principal, colleagues and the LEA in assisting in curriculum adaption
- Prepare curriculum year plans with goals and objectives for the program and student learning goals to be kept on file in the principal office
- Prepare daily plans of all class activities, conduct the class according to the class time table and make the timetable available upon request to the Principal, students and parents/guardians
- In order to avoid problems in case of teacher absence or illness, prepare daily plans three days in advance, or complete a three day outline of activities that a substitute teacher could use to conduct the class.
Job Type : Full Time
Location: Martin McKay Memorial School, Sachigo Lake First Nation
Salary : as per Salary Grid
To Apply:
Interested candidates must send their:
1. Cover Letter
2. Resume
3. (3) References (including most recent employer)
4. Vulnerable Sector Check and
5. Proof of OCT is required.
Please send application along with documents to:
Jody McNeilly
Windigo Education Hiring Committee
Windigo First Nations Council
P.O. Box 299160 Alcona Drive
Sioux Lookout, ON. P8T 1A3
Fax: 807-737-3133
PH: (519) 466-3462
We thank you for your application and interest at this time, however, only those with complete documents will be considered.